Two global problems are the spread of infections by antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and the need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources due to their depletion and pollution of the environment. To provide meaningful contributions to solving these challenges, we will design novel multifunctional visible-light-responsive inorganic-organic hybrids with dual potential applications in photocatalytic hydrogen production and wastewater disinfection. For the first time, absorption of wide-bandgap metal-oxides (TiO2, CeO2, ZrO2) will be extended into the desired spectral range, visible or near-infrared, by the formation of interfacial charge transfer complexes with main components of plant extracts, polyphenols. Also, we will link the entire architecture to the polymer matrix. The proposed approach is interdisciplinary, combining two worlds of chemistry, inorganic and organic, involves extensive experimental and theoretical work, and is at the cutting edge in nano- and interface sciences. Characterization of prepared samples by various techniques (TEM, XRD, BET, XPS, Reflection spectroscopy, FTIR) will support density functional theory calculations at the predictability level. We expect significant improvement in the photocatalytic ability of hybrids due to enhanced absorption in the visible spectral range, evaluated by the efficiency of hydrogen production. The photo-induced toxic action of hybrids against microbial species will be monitored, first under static conditions to select the most suitable hybrid candidates for experiments under dynamic conditions, mimicking the technological process of wastewater treatment. The proposed disinfection process is not just ecologically acceptable but ecologically risk-free. The scientific outcome of this project will increase the fundamental knowledge in this multidisciplinary field, while knowledge transfer will offer novel technological solutions in healthcare and environmental remediation to the industry.