Jovan Nedeljković was born on October 28, 1959. He has a long-lasting scientific career and strong expertise in nanomaterials. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1991 at Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY, USA) and was appointed principal research fellow in 1999 at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, University of Belgrade. Jovan Nedeljković has been the PI in many national and international projects, and under his supervision, 12 Ph.D. students and 5 Master of Sciences students graduated. Additionally, he has maintained extensive international collaboration and, as a visiting scientist, he worked in Argonne National Laboratories in Lemont, IL, USA (July 1997 – February 1998) and National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO, USA (September 2001 – August 2004). So far, Jovan Nedeljković published over 200 scientific papers from the ISI list. Scientific papers published by Jovan Nedeljković have a significant impact; >7000 citations and h-index 43 ( Also, he is a referee for many journals.