Within the framework of the Kick-off meeting held at Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences at 05. December 2023. year, we discussed the main goals, implementation, and dissemination of the HYDIS project. Assistant Director, Miroslav Adžic welcomed the members of the HYDIS team. Dr. Vesna Lazić, Principal Investigator of the HYDIS project, introduced more closely the team members to all work packages (from WP1 to WP5). Work packages leaders and team members discussed the objectives, deliverables, milestones, scientific papers, expected results, conferences, and social networks from the HYDIS project.

Dr. Vesna Lazić has announced that we have already started with enthusiastic effort and great ambition within our project, i.e. with the first step to synthesize and characterize a functionalized wide-bandgap metal-oxide based on TiO2, CeO2, and ZrO2 that have photocatalytic purposes. Furthermore, we will perform DFT calculations on these metal oxides previously functionalized by polyphenols. In addition, we will prepare hybrid materials based on poly(GMA-co-EGDMA) copolymer and these oxides.

The meeting was held in a positive and working atmosphere. Our work will be presented on our website and social networks (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook).So, we are looking forward to this enjoyable scientific journey that wewill share with our community.